The most ancient form of Sacred Feminine prayer is Holding… … holding humanity within your energetic womb in complete love and without condition, so that we can shed our pain and emerge reborn in our light. Holding is the healing touch of our Sacred...
In the Path of the Sacred Feminine that Reverend Misa shares, we are invited to explore Four Prescriptions: Surrender, Acceptance, Desire and Commitment. We explore these prescriptions through sacred journeys and sacred songs to help us release the limits that keep us...
Guided Meditation in the Sacred FeminineBy Misa HopkinsBegin by letting your attachments become apparent to you: hopes, dreams, intentions and desires. Simply notice them and witness them as they are. Breathe your love and compassion into each of them. Breathe into...
Guided Meditation in the Sacred Feminine By Mother Misa Mary Magdalene provides us with a truly beautiful way to think about hope, that takes us out of longing and into the blessing it can bring. Here is how she describes it: Hope is found when you surrender to God’s...
Did you know that in balance between your Sacred Feminine energy and Sacred Masculine energy can make a difference in creating prosperity? Consider this. If your value of yourself is based solely in what you achieve, your view of yourself is profoundly limited....
Find a quiet space. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Breathe gently into yourself until your mind and body quiet down. Become aware of your heart and breathe. Just breathe until your mind and body become still and your heart and mind open. Become aware of...
Heal and manifest with this proven ancient Native Holding Guided Meditation
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