Did you know that in balance between your Sacred Feminine energy and Sacred Masculine energy can make a difference in creating prosperity?
Consider this. If your value of yourself is based solely in what you achieve, your view of yourself is profoundly limited. Achievement is an aspect of the Sacred Masculine energy of action. It is vital and exhilarating, but without Sacred Feminine energy, it is not enough. Sacred Feminine or yin energy is a necessary ingredient.
If you have not yet learned enough to achieve in a way that brings you substantial prosperity, you will probably have a tendency to be hard on yourself. That hardness can also make you feel depressed and doubt your ability to create your desires. Just try to accomplish anything when you feel like a failure before you have ever really gotten started!
But if you value yourself simply because you came in with your own special views and interests, you have greater reason to be patient with yourself as you learn, and apply new skills for attracting prosperity into your life.You came into this world with unique, natural talents and perspectives that have value in and of themselves. In valuing yourself as you are, you activate the fully accepting, unconditional love of the Sacred Feminine within you.
What you can learn about yourself from your childhood
If you are like most children, between the ages of 5-10, you probably explored your natural talents in the ways that you played. I invite you to take a moment to consider what you liked to do as a child? Did you love playing sports, sewing, doing math, reading, building things, fixing things, being creative, figuring things out, researching, being inside or being outside? Were you in the water or in the trees? Did you play with your pets? What did you love to do?
And then consider how you engaged in those activities. Did you prefer to spend time quietly by yourself, or were you taking charge of games with the neighborhood kids? Did you like to make things happen, once another kid put an activity into motion? Did you like to make people laugh? Were you the organizer? Were you the peace-maker? Were you the problem solver?
Recognizing and honoring who you truly are
These are your natural traits and unique abilities, and they make up WHO you are. Recognizing who you are and honoring these qualities in you is a function of Sacred Feminine energy—complete acceptance of you as you are. Your natural talents are the abilities you excel in. They are the ones that are easiest to learn and perfect. They are the ones through which it is most easy to achieve and be successful, while have a lot of fun being in service.
Your greatest prosperity can emerge when you honor the incredible being that you already were when you were born, and your prosperity accelerates when you put those natural talents into service for others or for the earth.
If you are familiar with the Holding Meditation, you can even take your desires into the meditation.
For example, hold your desire for prosperity. If you don’t have an audio recording of it, you can get it here: https://sacredfeminineawakening.com. Notice the emotions that arise as you hold this—your doubts, feelings of failure or unworthiness, as well as your excitement, hopes and passions. Hold all of it in love and compassion—complete acceptance and understanding—until the fears subside and all that remains is the energy to create as only you can!
I’ve been doing this and so have some of my clients. It’s been an absolute delight to see how prosperity has been shifting and growing.
Today, consider taking time to honor yourself from a Sacred Feminine perspective by reflecting on your natural talents and determining how you can better use them for greater personal joy, service to the world and prosperity.