Miracles With The Holding

Miracles With The Holding

We had no idea a simple Sacred Feminine-based meditation could create miracles. Thoughts from Reverend Misa As I introduced The Holding guided meditation to some of the people I love, I thought it was a simple Sacred Feminine meditation for creating greater peace in...
The Gift of The Holding

The Gift of The Holding

Lost Wisdom in the Sacred Feminine Revealed in an Ancient Guided Meditation We discovered there is something in Sacred Feminine wisdom that helps us release damaging perceptions and behaviors, and become naturally inspired to live our true potential. In this video,...

Finding Your Soul Mate

Are you ready? Been ready? Wondering where the heck your beloved soul mate is hiding? That’s how I felt just before I met my husband, Jeffrey. But quite honestly I didn’t recognize him the first time I met him! Why? Because I was looking everywhere he wasn’t! There...

History of Valentine’s Day

What is the meaning and history of Valentine’s Day? For years, how many of us have talked about how Valentine’s Day is just a holiday made up by card manufacturers to make money? Some of us refuse to celebrate it for that reason alone. But do you know the...
The Four Prescriptions

The Four Prescriptions

Prescriptive Healing Meditations for When You Are Feeling, Stuck, Lost or Overwhelmed Four incredible prescriptive, healing meditations have been revealed recently, to be used with the Creation Meditation when you are feeling particularly challenged.  If you...