Reflection of the Other

by Amari Gold I woke up the other morning with thoughts from a recent conversation on my mind and began to meditate on the judgment that surfaced about someone else’s behavior, someone close to me. I asked what the reflection of the behavior held for me. What I found...

The Value of Attending Ceremonies Regularly

by Ariann ThomasI have been attending women’s groups, talking circles and ceremonies since I was in my 30’s. Once I moved out of feminine ‘support’ groups and into more spiritual women’s circles and ceremonies, I noticed a different quality to the groups. Although the...

Gratitude in Good Times and Bad

by Susan Gold It was a beautiful summer morning in early September, one of those days that you know will warm up quite nicely, but not too warm as to be uncomfortable — a perfect day for a walk in nature.  I made my way up to the labyrinth at Earth Teach Forest...

The Ultimate Tool of Transformation

by Susan Gold I have written in the past about the voice of discontent within me. This inner voice was not a new expression that popped up out of nowhere, although it may have seemed that way at first. It was a voice of discontent that had been with me for quite some...

Prayer for a New Year

by Reverend Misa Hopkins Ah Mystery of life As I awaken to this time of great unfolding This unveiling of myself May I see the beauty you have always seen in me May I know the wonder of you in everything I see Let fear become my chance to transcend my self-perceived...