Awakening the Sacred Feminine at SpiritQuest

According to Sufi Spiritual Teacher, Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee “women carry the spiritual seeds of creation.” Somehow, we women know that. And yet, do you find yourself wondering if you have forgotten what that feels like at its most fundamental spiritual nature? Men,...

Gifts from SpiritQuest

SpiritQuest 2012 was brimming with gifts and insights. Each Quest has a way of showing us what it is truly about–a little before we arrive, more while we are there, and then even more when we arrive home. Three circles of insight showed themselves to me as I...

SpiritQuest—Living in Greater Ease

In just a couple of weeks, we’ll be gathering at SpiritQuest for an annual Native Retreat. All of our ceremonies come from matriarchal tradition, or deepen our understanding of the Sacred Feminine and our most harmonious relationship to Mother Earth. And it has...

Being Truly Recognized

Regularly, as I am doing readings or offering ceremonies, someone will share how they finally feel at home. You see, it is important for us to find places where we feel safe enough to share who we really are~to be recognized. Sometimes we feel completely alone in the...