Falling in Love With My Pain and Sorrow

by Amari Gold In recent months, I have been feeling distanced from my experience of deep love and devotion. This feeling of distance has become a source of exploration for me toward an understanding of the process of awakening that is promised at this time of...

Reflection of the Other

by Amari Gold I woke up the other morning with thoughts from a recent conversation on my mind and began to meditate on the judgment that surfaced about someone else’s behavior, someone close to me. I asked what the reflection of the behavior held for me. What I found...

The Challenge of Creating Peace

My husband and I just left Budapest, a city of people, and land, that were deeply impacted by World War II. Now we are in Caen, France, a city in Normandy that is very close to where the Americans landed to turn the tide of World War II, bringing the war in Europe to...

Are You Holding or Holding On?

The essence of the Sacred Feminine is very much womb-like, holding life in its suchness. This is wonderful to experience, whether you are the one being held or doing the holding. However, when we become frightened or confused we can become obsessed with holding-on...