by Amari Gold

graphics-946270_640In recent months, I have been feeling distanced from my experience of deep love and devotion. This feeling of distance has become a source of exploration for me toward an understanding of the process of awakening that is promised at this time of planetary transformation. It is a time that I have long awaited in my earthly journey, the awakening of mankind to a greater reality of love. I have certainly experienced tremendous joy and ecstasy despite the challenges that humanity is currently facing. I have a deep trust in the overriding intelligence of God and the Universe that these outer experiences of death and destruction have a greater context than what we can perceive through the limits of our current consciousness.

These other feelings of despair and apathy are not at all what I have been anticipating, so I am somewhat surprised, uncertain, and to some degree annoyed about their presence in my daily experience! It seems to me that as the energies of change upon our planet continue to expand and rise in vibrational frequency, so do our opportunities to shift emotions, thoughts, and beliefs of lower vibration into greater awareness of unconditional love. Paradoxically I, like others I know, sometimes feel laden with heavy energies of unpleasantness like anger, jealousy and judgment.



Walking through the forest this morning I asked Spirit for guidance on transcending these feelings that separate me from knowing my greater heart. I was given a single message to ‘fall in love with my pain and sorrow’.

The wisdom that comes to us from the higher realms is to love all of life unconditionally. It is often easier to experience unconditional love when we find circumstances and the people around us as pleasant and joyful, but most times not so easy when we are facing painful challenges and difficulties. Yet this is precisely the guidance that came to me when I asked for insight about how to transmute the heaviness in my heart. I was told simply to fall in love with it … to love my pain and sorrow unconditionally.

love-735567_640I’m not sure anyone can tell me precisely how to do this. I recognize this process as an inside job. And surely it is better to love than to disdain any feelings that come up. It is also very much the wisdom and guidance that Rev. Misa shares with us in the Holding. Anything that we surround and hold in love has the greatest potential to evolve to a higher expression. It is the absence of love that limits our development as spiritually awake humans.

Reminded now that we reside in a reality of duality, I commit now to hold these heavy energies within my being, through the sacred womb of creation, and surround them with love and compassion. We often think of our emotions and thoughts as ours alone. I prefer to think of them as drops in a vast sea of similar thoughts and emotions that we share as humans united through the Oneness of all creation. Each of us is in service to ourselves and to all of life. It is the gift of life itself through which the sacred womb expresses. Through this gift each of us draws from the benevolent pool of God consciousness to transform our lives into truer expressions of the Divine imperative of unconditional love. I am grateful to have received this gift of guidance from Spirit.