A Question From the Mother

by Issa Wight It was the morning after the full moon water ceremony. We gathered again for the last day of this powerful retreat. As we gathered, both our elder and our guardian were deep in communion with one another and as the circle formed, they shared with us. Our...

The Value of Attending Ceremonies Regularly

by Ariann ThomasI have been attending women’s groups, talking circles and ceremonies since I was in my 30’s. Once I moved out of feminine ‘support’ groups and into more spiritual women’s circles and ceremonies, I noticed a different quality to the groups. Although the...

The True Potential of Elderhood

Why Some Men and Women Choose Elderhood Initiation I looked forward to turning 50 for many years. Some of my friends thought that was a little strange, but something deep inside told me that I would just begin the greater part of my service for this planet in my 50’s....

In Search of a Purpose

Are you looking for your purpose for being? Are you hungry to know why you are here at this time of great change on the planet? Do you feel as though regardless of what you do, it may or may not make a big enough difference anyway? Do you ever feel as though humanity...