A Time of Holding in the Way of the Sacred FeminineThis year’s Quest was dedicated to experiencing the Sacred Feminine. In the spirit of the feminine, the women and men attending SpiritQuest entered into an intention to hold whatever transpired in loving...
SpiritQuest has come to a close for this year, and has left us contemplating a significant question as we return to our daily lives—What is important?It is so easy to go through the habits and rituals of our everyday lives without pausing to think about what is most...
July 17th-23rdWe would be delighted if you would like to join us at SpiritQuest, bringing your love and ability to hold life without judging it. Just imagine yourself standing before the sacred fire, offering the fire a pinch of tobacco with your prayer for the world,...
Healing the Hearts and Souls of Our InstitutionsOnce you begin a practice of compassion in your journey of spiritual freedom, it becomes fairly easy to find compassion for yourself and those you love. The next level of compassionate work is with people you don’t know,...
If you have been joining us on any of the tele-ceremonies and tele-meditations, you may have heard some of us referring to Keepers. Keeper is short for Keeper of the Sacred Path of the Feminine or Keeper of the Water Ceremonies.In a Google search you would find that...
In Honor of the Men that Share Fatherly Love on Fathers DayFor a prayer honoring fathers visit: http://newdreamfoundation.com/forums/index.php/topic,1482.0.htmlSacred Father and the sacred nature of the masculine can end up getting a bad rap when you are longing to...
Heal and manifest with this proven ancient Native Holding Guided Meditation
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