Many years ago an elder and teacher of Sacred Feminine consciousness said to me, “If we could only do one thing to change the world, blessing the water touches everything.” We exist as we do because there is water. Bless one drop of water and you affect the...
Find a quiet moment. Turn off the phone, the TV, the stereo, and commit to not answering the door. This is your time. Your sacred time. Tell the children, your spouse, or your room-mate to leave you undisturbed for a while. You have sacred work to do. You might want...
by Reverend Misa I was petrified when the day came for my first quest. But it proved to be one of the most powerful moments of my life. I was scared because I was afraid I would fail myself – my own expectations of me. Vision quest allowed me to meet me right...
Prayer of Emergence for Your Meditations By Mother Misa Together, as family we create our experience of life. We are the guardians and implementers of our own designs. Fear will come to taunt us, causing us to doubt our own abilities and the innate power of life...
According to Sufi Spiritual Teacher, Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee “women carry the spiritual seeds of creation.” Somehow, we women know that. And yet, do you find yourself wondering if you have forgotten what that feels like at its most fundamental spiritual nature? Men,...
Meditation in the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine Find a quiet space. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Breathe gently into yourself until your mind and body quiet down. Become aware of your heart and breathe. Just breathe until your mind and body become still...
Heal and manifest with this proven ancient Native Holding Guided Meditation
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