Morning Prayer

by Reverend Misa I greet the day in all its splendor Mysterious One. I give thanks for all the beings with whom I share life. I sing to the sun a song of honor for its life-giving warmth. My feet pad against soft wet grass, the sole of my feet tickled, in turn...

SpiritQuest for Families

When the spirits brought me the vision of SpiritQuest, I was shown that it was a ceremonial space for families. This surprised me because Quest is often an individual experience done with just your elder and perhaps one or two assistants But this vision quest was...

Surrender to Trust Guided Meditation

by Reverend Misa As you prepare for this guided meditation in the Sacred Feminine, create a quiet space. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Breathe gently into yourself until your mind and body quiet down. Become aware of your heart and breathe. Just breathe until...