The Power of Elderhood

In June of this year, several dedicated women were initiated as Elders of the Women’s Water Ceremonies. After many months of preparation they listened in the silence for three days to know the three goals they would fulfill before their death. They bravely...

Catapulting Your Spiritual Growth

Have you been feeling as though there is something really significant for you to do in the world, but you can’t quite put your finger on it? Or you know what it is, but it scares the heck out of you? Or maybe you just don’t know where to begin? Perhaps you...

How Many People Are You Here to Touch?

As I shared with you a few articles ago, I was quite touched hearing Dr. Barbara De Angeles speak. One of the concepts she shared was an acknowledgment that each of us may be here to bring our gifts to a certain number of people. Some of us are here to positively...

The Power of Alignment

Have you ever had one of those days when everything seemed to be going wrong? It starts in the morning getting up late, your car not starting easily, problems at work, dinner burning… know, one of those days? And then, have you ever had one of those days...

Are We Ever Really Confused?

Last weekend I attended a Women’s Business Empowerment Summit in Scottsdale, Arizona. There were many fantastic speakers, but the thoughts of a couple of speakers really stood out for me. Dr. Fern Kazlow and Dr. Barbara De Angelis talked about the importance of...