If I Bless the Sun…..

The sun is nestling in behind the hills leaving an amazing golden glow all around our home. Even the air itself seems to be golden. My husband and I stopped working in order to step outside and bathe in this unique after glow. The sacred fire of the sun has called us...

Sacred Fire — The Guiding Light of Compassion

Each day, I sing a song of welcoming to the sun. I sing my gratitude to the sacred fire of the sun for its life giving rays of light. I sing to wake up the sacred fire burning inside of each of us. I invite the sacred fire within all of life to be a guiding light of...

Burning Through Obstacles

Have you ever heard, felt or seen an inner call to do something and then found yourself saying, “But I don’t have the money, time or qualifications?” Have you ever watched that calling linger in the back of your mind, while never really getting to...

The Importance of Being

Recently, I read something in Robert Kiyosaki’s book, Cash Flow Quadrant, that stood out for me as being a very significant part of creating the reality we want. He was talking about a seminar presenter who wrote three words up on the board, be, do, have. She...