Mysterious One, life exists within the primal rhythms of our heart and breath, yet how often do I listen to their pulse? There is a pulse through which all things are connected, a divine current that breathes through all life. As we follow some thread of the pulse,...
By Reverend Misa Great Mystery, When I look into the kind, caring eyes of a volunteer, I see you. As the hands of a volunteer reach out to help me, I see your hands. In the heart-warming smile of a volunteer, I see you smiling at me. If for a moment I forget that you...
by Reverend Misa Great Mystery, I give thanks today for the prayer of my life. I sing to the honor of those who live their lives in compassion and service. I am grateful for every kindness I have ever received and every kindness I have been able to give. I recognize...
by Reverend Misa Here I stand amidst the overwhelming possibilities of life— So many possibilities and I don’t know what is most important. I don’t know which direction to go. I’m not sure what to choose. Perhaps, Divine Spirit, you would help me...
by Reverend Misa Ah Great Mystery, Life is happening so quickly and yet, here I am waiting. I have said, “I wish this to be so,” and now I wait for it to become. There are spaces between the beats—between the desire and its manifestation. And so like an...
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