Are you ready to release the struggle about what is or is not Divine guidance? Are you ready to hear, see, sense, and know your Divine guidance at a deeper level? Are you ready for a truer experience of how the Divine works within you? Or...
For thousands of years when someone was ready for a major transition in their lives, they did a vision quest for insights. Why would someone leave the comfort of their home and routine in order to make change? Breaking routine and familiarity, and stripping our...
Every year at Quest we witness and hear the stories about profound experiences that people have with animals and animal communication. Something magical and mystical, or more precisely–normal, happens when we step away from our city lives and allow ourselves to...
I had the pleasure of interviewing a dear friend and colleague, Chris Davis, as a Woman of Power and Spirit. During the interview, she reminded me that I introduced her to the concept of “giveaway” in spiritual practice some years ago. Giveaway has a way of...
Enter into the stillness and insights of this Holding Meditation from Mother Misa. Create a quiet space. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Allow yourself to consider what you want guidance about. Then let that thought go as you focus on your beautiful breath....
Enjoy this beautiful guided meditation in the spirit and womb of the Sacred Feminine. Create a private, quiet moment for yourself. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Breathe gently into yourself. Allow yourself to simply exist. There is nothing to do and nowhere to...
Heal and manifest with this proven ancient Native Holding Guided Meditation
Receive the Sacred Feminine audio meditation that is transforming lives, plus information about ceremonies and experiences in the Divine Feminine, and Misa’s popular Prescriptions From Heaven daily inspirational ecards.