and North American Native Teachings I’m inspired to share with you what I’m discovering about healing, awakening, the Sacred Feminine, and Native American vision quests I’ve done and have offered for 18 years. For me life is a tapestry of interweaving threads, and...
The spirit of Sacred Father lives in the men who choose to live in love and service, whether they are actual fathers or men who offer fatherly love. They are sacred men. They are the men we honor today. Like many of you I have known some remarkable men who have done...
Lessons from the Aspens Aspen trees are intriguing to me. Do you know that a grove of aspen trees shares a single root system? That’s right. These magnificent and unique trees share a root system through which they are nourished for greater growth. Consider this...
It took a vision quest for me to finally get it. For so much of my life, I ran away from myself, my gifts, my connection to Mother Earth, and my connection to the spiritual realms. I finally found true joy when I gave myself permission to actually recognize that I...
by Amari Gold During last month’s New Moon Fire Ceremony with Rev. Misa, we were guided to share our breath with the Mother. With each in-breath, we inhaled the Mother’s breath. With each exhale, the Mother received our breath. It was a beautiful, powerful, and...
Don’t you love it when you have a peak experience that opens your mind and heart to the wonder of the Divine? I interview people from all over the world, and I have discovered that most of us, at some point in our lives, have had a spiritual revelation that...
Heal and manifest with this proven ancient Native Holding Guided Meditation
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