Personal Ceremony for Manifestation

Personal Ceremony for Manifestation

If you are not used to doing personal ceremony, I suggest you give yourself this experience. The Universe responds to your clarity and commitment, and ceremony is a beautiful, loving way to set your acts of creation into motion. People have been doing personal...
Holding Your Potential Guided Meditation

Holding Your Potential Guided Meditation

Create a quiet space. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Breathe gently into yourself until your mind and body quiet down. Become aware of your heart and breathe. Just breathe until your mind and body become still and your heart and mind open. Breathe into your...
On Children by Kahil Gibran

On Children by Kahil Gibran

You can read the lyrics below or listen to this being beautifully being sung by Sweet Honey in the Rock: Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they...

Divine Reunion

This article was originally published in 2009.  The recognition of both Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies continues to be essential! April 22nd is a significant date for the Divine Reunion of Feminine and Masculine energies. Next week, the Institute of...