Red Corvette and the Journey Home

Long, luscious meditations took me into realms of loving awareness that filled my soul. Someone in the ethers was meeting me and our hearts were connecting in ways that opened me to profound mystical experiences. Many years ago, while living in Sedona, Arizona, I...

When Our Loved Ones Are Suffering

by Reverend Misa Dear Mystery, Today I quiet myself for a moment to reflect on those that I love and care about who are suffering. I fill my heart with love for all the blessings in my life. I fill my heart full of gratitude and profound love. I watch as the circle of...

Beyond Stuckness

Three dreams in about three weeks’ time were all telling me the same thing. I felt stuck. In fact in the last dream, it was so blatant I was telling a friend quite directly, “I feel stuck.” He pointed to the edge of the property, and I told him I had already...

When Your Soul Makes Opposing Agreements

I didn’t even know it was possible. There I was, just a couple of days ago, in a visionary state realizing I had made a decision many lifetimes ago about this lifetime that was in complete opposition to an agreement I had made just before accepting this life. Now I am...

What Does It Mean to Stand In Your Power?

For centuries the way that women have maintained influence and power is through manipulation. If most of the power is in the hands of men, then one of the ways to acquire power is to manipulate men. Women passed down these skills throughout the generations, and from...