When to Say No and When to Go

Periodically, this popular topic seems to come up with clients, as it has been lately. So once again, let’s explore…Have you ever become confused when you are trying to interpret spiritual guidance from everyday events? Perhaps you have encountered a...

Someone Else

Miciella’s story about trust and manifestation is immediately below this one.My elder once told me I had a lot of vulture medicine. I was not impressed. “Yuck,” I thought, “Who would want that for a medicine animal?”She was wiser than me. She just grinned....

A True Story of Trust

By Miciella I have never before written this story, but Misa asked me to do so in hopes it will in some way inspire others. I must say at the onset that each of us experience miracles of Spirit in our own unique way and I hope that you not compare or measure what took...

Celebrate Someone Today

In fact, why not celebrate someone who makes you feel jealous? Here is the thing about jealousy. We are feeling that way toward someone who has or is doing something we want. It occurred to me one day—as I was feeling jealous toward someone who was having success in...

Putting an End to Her Chronic Pain

The following is a story written by a friend of mine who shared this with me when she heard I was writing a book about self-healing. Her experience is powerful testimony to the importance of self-involvement in one’s healing process. Too often we go to healers and...