What Are Keepers Anyway?

If you have been joining us on any of the tele-ceremonies and tele-meditations, you may have heard some of us referring to Keepers. Keeper is short for Keeper of the Sacred Path of the Feminine or Keeper of the Water Ceremonies.In a Google search you would find that...

Father and the Sacred Masculine

In Honor of the Men that Share Fatherly Love on Fathers DayFor a prayer honoring fathers visit: http://newdreamfoundation.com/forums/index.php/topic,1482.0.htmlSacred Father and the sacred nature of the masculine can end up getting a bad rap when you are longing to...

The True Potential of Elderhood

Why Some Men and Women Choose Elderhood Initiation I looked forward to turning 50 for many years. Some of my friends thought that was a little strange, but something deep inside told me that I would just begin the greater part of my service for this planet in my 50’s....

Psychic Awareness Guided Meditation

The word psychic means “of the soul,” and psychic awareness occurs when you notice the reflections of the soul—one of the great gifts of the Sacred Feminine. Psychic awareness is born from the quiet, loving womb of the Sacred Feminine. Like a child...