Are You Holding or Holding On?

The essence of the Sacred Feminine is very much womb-like, holding life in its suchness. This is wonderful to experience, whether you are the one being held or doing the holding. However, when we become frightened or confused we can become obsessed with holding-on...

The Galactic Womb

Winter Solstice 2012According to Alberto Villodo, the Maya tell us that humanity comes into existence on December 21, 2012. Perhaps, he suggests, that means we are not yet fully human. what makes us...

The Galactic Alignment of 2012

Returning to the Womb of Creation by Guest Author, Reverend Ariann Thomas As we approach the upcoming date of December 21, 2012, the announced date of the end of the Mayan calendar, people all over the world are showing various reactions. Although many Mayan Elders,...

Conversations With the Goddess

I recently received a copy of Dorothy Atalla’s, “Conversations with the Goddess: Encounter and Petra, Place of Power.” As many of you know, understanding the Sacred Feminine truly begins with a calling or longing deep within. If you are courageous,...

Visions for Now and The Future

The Sacred Feminine Reaching Out Into the WorldVisions can tell us stories about what is happening in our lives right now, that we might not be aware of consciously. They can also provide indicators about our past and our future.Reverend Ariann had visions before and...