Gratitude in Good Times and Bad

by Susan Gold It was a beautiful summer morning in early September, one of those days that you know will warm up quite nicely, but not too warm as to be uncomfortable — a perfect day for a walk in nature.  I made my way up to the labyrinth at Earth Teach Forest...

The Ultimate Tool of Transformation

by Susan Gold I have written in the past about the voice of discontent within me. This inner voice was not a new expression that popped up out of nowhere, although it may have seemed that way at first. It was a voice of discontent that had been with me for quite some...

Breathing in the Forest

by Amari Gold During last month’s New Moon Fire Ceremony with Rev. Misa, we were guided to share our breath with the Mother.  With each in-breath, we inhaled the Mother’s breath.  With each exhale, the Mother received our breath.  It was a beautiful, powerful, and...

Crafted by the Hand of the Divine

A New Paradigm of Truth: Silenced No More by Amari Gold It was an early summer day in June. My seven year old dog had recently passed away after 6 long years of joy, and suffering. The life journey is so often bitter sweet. After the death of my beloved husband 7...