Prayer for E-Friends and Family

by Amari Gold TO: Dear Lord, Every single evening As I’m lying here in bed, This tiny little Prayer Keeps running through my head: God bless all my family Wherever they may be, Keep them warm and safe from harm For they’re so close to me. And God,...
Advice From a Cedar Tree

Advice From a Cedar Tree

by Amari Gold Some years ago, while taking a class on entering the field of grace*, I was given an assignment to begin a dialogue with nature.  There are a few books** written about the topic.  One approach to learning how to hear nature’s voice is to open the heart,...

Sunlight on Water

by Amari Gold Nature speaks to us in many ways.  This morning I sat at the pool at the base of the waterfall and watched the sunlight dance upon the water.  I watched as the particles and minerals within the water seemed to come alive in the rays of the sun.  Then a...

The Autumn Leaves

by Amari Gold As I stroll through the forest this Autumn watching the leaves fall to the ground, I notice that each one is on a distinct and separate journey of transition.  Some leaves take much longer than others to reach their destination.  There are those that are...