Intuition Has Long Reach

Intuition just may have a longer reach through time than we think it does. In a world where there are so many opportunities for things to do, it is easy to become overwhelmed by the options. It is equally easy to assume that as you get closer to an event or...
What Is Forgiveness—Sacred Feminine Style?

What Is Forgiveness—Sacred Feminine Style?

Have you noticed there are many ways and levels at which forgiveness can occur? You can say you forgive, but not really mean it. You can forgive someone for the moment, but then be upset with them or resent them for the same thing hours or days later. You can forgive...

Reflections on the Value of Your Life

A friend was telling me about his frustration with how little he felt he had accomplished in his life. He has large aspirations that he is passionate about, and as he gets older, he wonders if his dreams are slipping out of his reach. He wonders if he is becoming...

Three Gifts to the World

Women Receive Nobel Peace Prize for 2011 Some powerful women, three gifts to the world, have been acknowledged for their efforts to secure peace, as well as women’s safety and rights. They join their nine female predecessors as what have been called, Heroines of...