Healing the Emotional Need to Be Remembered
Begin creating your legacy now for the 10th Emotional Need of the Soul—to Be Remembered.
The last of the 10 Emotional Needs of the Soul
My husband and I saw the Disney movie, Coco, last weekend. We both laughed and cried. We are in many ways, still kids inside. (Don’t worry, there is no need for a spoiler alert with what I’m about to share.) 😉
Many themes in this movie touched, but perhaps what affected me most was how beautifully it told the story about the importance of being remembered after we have crossed over to the other side.
Being remembered by those you love is the last and 10th Emotional Need of the Soul, as given to me by my ancestors.
I used to believe that our memorial services and tributes to those who have crossed over was really only for those of us who remained living here on earth. But I have discovered…
Being remembered is important for those who cross over.
Loved ones long to know what difference they have made during their lives here on earth.
Therefore the kind words we say about our loved ones after they die, and the warm and memorable stories we share, matter to them.
Of course, each life has its lessons. Some of us learn them well. Others of us struggle to learn. But inside each person lives a warm beating heart, and every person brings qualities with them. Most people have done something good in their lives worth noting.
Plus there is a benefit for us when we remember those who have crossed over, kindly. Our own legacies live on in the people we have loved. So remembering the positive gifts of those who have crossed over, reminds us to love well while we are here.
On the other side, our guides care about how much we loved while we were living our lives.
When we cross over, our guides and soul-family members waiting for us are interested in one thing—how well we have loved.
They don’t care about what we did, as in how much money we made, the trips we took or the jobs we held. They aren’t interested in the details of living our lives. Rather, they want to know…
Did we love enough to make a difference in someone’s life?
Most of us want to love that much!
If you want to know you will be remembered, the formula is simple.
Love and serve.
One of the ways you serve, is to honor with love the lives of those who have left.
Though we miss seeing our loved ones here on earth after they have crossed over, our relationships with them live on. Our souls continue to travel and meet each other as we move through dimensions.
When relationships with our family members have been difficult, if we look deeply enough, we will find the heart of wounded child inside them—a child who was looking for love.
One of the greatest acts of kindness we can offer when someone dies is to remember their good qualities, and send them on with love for their next part of their journey.
So here’s what it all comes down to. If we wish to be remembered well and leave our legacies, then there are two things for us to do now:
- Remember the lives of others with compassion and love.
- Love and serve the people that come into our lives.
As we focus on these to acts of love, we bring honor to our legacy and the legacies of others.
If you’d like to add your thoughts and comments about the Need to Be Remembered, or if there is someone whose life you would like to honor, you can do so here.
Absolutely Mother Misa, i agree with you. Our legacies is not what we’ve make like money, houses etc. But the impact we made in human lives. love,compassion, kindness, mercy that we render to humanity and the services we offer, our sincere and truth relationship will never allow anyone to forget you when you cross over. Just like you now, Mother Misa, who is rendering service to thousands of people in every corner of the universe, you’ve touched somany lives in one way or the other, you might remembered some but some you might not. But for each person you have served and helped, is a legacy you left that can not be erase, like me, I will continue to remember you until I also cross over.
Juliana, thank you for your kind acknowledgment. I feel very blessed to Hold so many beautiful people in my heart, including you! It is the blessing of the night sky to hold so many bright and wonderful stars! And many will be held my you too. 🙂
Today is the 37th anniversary of my father’s death. We watched him die in the middle of a family discussion about holiday plans, while we waited for an ambulance that came too late. It was awful, to say the least. Every year, my mother and I reminisce about That Day, and I will share with her when I see her this evening your beautiful writings on remembrance. I am very grateful to have received such a positive, loving, inspirational message at this time.
With love and deepest thanks,
Reema, I can’t help but wonder how often your father drifts into the room while you and your mother reminisce about him. I’m so glad this article offered some inspiration. So many of our loved ones leave at this time of year. I wonder if they find some comfort in knowing the family is gathered together? My heart is with you and your mother in your remembrance of him.
Wow, I would never have dreamed in a million years that my thoughts or feelings on this mattered because I just figured they were living in their higher self now and can see and feel everything that I think or feel about how much they loved me and me them.
I always thought we just know everything again when we return home and see it all from our beautiful soul perspective. …I had no idea! Thank you for this enlightening piece today!
Treeva, I do believe that in their higher self they do know how much you loved them. I had a dream that helped me understand this phenomena a little better. In the dream I was looking at people gathering and I could hear their thoughts. I could hear that they had been helped by me. I was so surprised (and touched) because I had not met them in this life. And then my conscious mind kicked in and I realized this was a memorial for me. I was so very pleased to hear their lovely thoughts and know something I had done had actually touched their lives and made their journey easier. I think when we have had difficult relationships with people who cross over, it is more challenging to recall and honor the qualities within them. Perhaps, this is when it is actually most important, so they can anchor into the kindness and love as they continue on their journey into complete blissful knowing and love (as I hear you describing) or perhaps, even other states of consciousness. One of my loved ones, for example, went into a cocoon-like state before journeying on into bliss. There is so much to discover about our journey after this life, isn’t there? 🙂
Oh Yes, so true, hence my book, “ Remember His Name”! It warms my heart and soul when others mention a loved ones name who has passed. I have so many loved ones on the other side now, mom, Dad, brother, husband and so many aunts, uncles, cousins and of course grandparents. I feel their presence and honor them often. Thank you for reminding us of the importance of this!❤️
Judith, you do indeed know this journey well. Keeping their legacy alive is truly a gift we give ourselves isn’t it? How beautiful that you feel their presence around you. I do believe some of our readers might appreciate watching your movie Ghostbike on Youtube. The depth and breadth of your forgiveness of the man who hit your husband is breathtaking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GH_r86V5j34
Love and gratitude for this beautiful teaching, Misa! Dec 9 is My mom’s birthday too! She passed Aug 17, 1994; not a day goes by that I don’t think about her, laugh or get teary, and thank her for all she was and all she did for us. I just wrote to my children that this would have been her 97th year and that she left us a great legacy of love, spirit, determination and fortitude. She, too, loved nature and her garden. I’m eternally grateful for sharing life and all its lessons with her, and want to do likewise for all those I love. It truly IS the only legacy worth leaving!
It seems Roz’s mum and your mom might have gotten along very well, and perhaps are now. 🙂 It seems she left a wonderful legacy for you. I can hear her love ringing now in your voice.
Today 9th DEC is my mum’s birthday she passed 9th September 2017. So in remembrance of my mum i
send her love on her birthday. Mum loved nature she had a wide range of interests but nature was her first love. Mum also had a good sense of humour and loved a good laugh.HAPPY Birthday MUM with love ROS AND your grandson ADRIAN.xx
Roz, Ah blessed birthday wishes to your mum, you and Adrian. The first year after my mother’s passing, I remember how the things she loved became so very dear to me, and still are! I do wonder if as we enjoy what they loved, they feel that enjoyment too. Your mum was clearly quite blessed to have you as a daughter!
So very true Misa . ❤️ My dad passed t C recently and friend too .. in the end all tht matters is Love ..
Those we love dont go away they r beside us every day .. unseen unheard .. but always near .. thank you for holding us and for the beutiful daily reminders and inspiration y bring
God bless y ❤️
Isn’t it wonderful how our loved ones remain close enough for us to reach out to for their love and guidance when we need it? It seems the greater the love, the thinner the veil between us. And what a blessing to them, that you hold your father and friend so dearly in your heart.
Dear Misa.
Having lived pass halfway in life I have thought about this. And I thank you for explaining it so beautifully. The lessons of love are also for me the most important ones. My wounds from mother and father feels like from centuries. Dysfunctional and abuse was all I learned from childhood, but the importance of forgiveness has made me heal. I went beyond all I could imagine to bring more happiness in my life and this meant cutting cords. My parents I think on a higher level know what teachings they were giving me but they also hold up an apperance that they will not be remembered. They want no grave and no legacy to be given. I now honor my life and I know what ressonates with me and for me love is peace, kindness and willingness to forgive. In my oppinioun being loving and kind is worth being remembered for.
Janet, I can only imagine the great breadth of love it took to find forgiveness for your parents. I can also imagine they might not feel worthy of being remembered. And yet, perhaps within each of us exists at least a thread of soul connection to the Divine that is worth recognition. Perhaps on the other side, they will be able to receive your love and experience gratitude for your most loving heart.