Honoring the Calling

You can feel the call to attend a spiritual ceremony or event, but you can’t figure out how to finance it. Have you ever been in that position? I have. Many times. Sometimes I went and sometimes I stayed at home. Of course, many factors played a role in whether or not...

The Power of Reflective Prayer

by  Reverend Misa A while back when I was doing a lot of business communications consulting, I met a man who took himself on a yearly retreat by himself—every year. He spent that time in thoughtful reflection—evaluating every aspect of his life including his marriage,...

Bringing Spiritual Practice into Business

My husband and just returned from a fabulous week at SpiritQuest in the mountains of Sugarite Canyon New Mexico. This year, we included a rites of passage initiation for women becoming recognized as elders in a beautiful Native American ceremony. The women spent three...