My husband and just returned from a fabulous week at SpiritQuest in the mountains of Sugarite Canyon New Mexico. This year, we included a rites of passage initiation for women becoming recognized as elders in a beautiful Native American ceremony. The women spent three days in silent meditation as they listened deeply for the three goals they would commit to completing before they die.

As each woman came to the sacred fire to share her meditative discoveries about those goals, I noticed each woman seemed to be very much aware that her three goals were powerful expressions of her soul purpose — with some goals known to each woman before she began her meditation and others being new to her awareness. Some were goals that had been lingering in the background of a woman’s consciousness for years, and were now being brought to the forefront of her awareness.

In every case, I listened with a sense of pride as I realized how significant the fulfillment of those goals would be in making a difference in this world. For most of the women, the spiritual heart beating within them would become a stronger part of their expression in the business world.

I’m not saying they would now be preaching religious beliefs in the workplace. I’m speaking to the sense of serenity, purpose and heart they will carry with them in their business transaction.

Having coached many individuals who struggle at various times with being true to their spiritual beliefs while making their way in the business world, I appreciate the sense of clarity and compassion these women now have, as well as the challenges they may face as they integrate their authentic selves into a world that has all too often perpetuated deception and self-serving agendas.

Recognizing the challenges of this journey, in August I’ll be offering a Spiritual Leadership in Business tele-program for people who want support and want to meet other like-hearted individuals choosing to be conscious in business. If women and men are willing to make such profound commitments to making a difference, then they deserve profound support. E-mail me at