Living a Joyful Life

Before my father died I asked him what he thought his purpose here on earth was about. Thoughtfully he said, “I came here to suffer for the people.” He was a devout Catholic, with a deep love for Jesus, but that was not an answer I was expecting. There was...

Climate Control—The Mind and Weather

These days we talk about how our thoughts affect everything from prosperity to losing weight, but have you thought about how your thoughts affect the weather? I know some of us consider weather control to be the purview of the Divine or shamans, but I’m convinced we...

The End of the Age of Secrets

Secrets have their place. After all, a surprise birthday party is not surprise if the secret gets out. One of the joys in receiving a gift is in not knowing exactly what is inside the box. Bedroom secrets between lovers create a special bond between them. With the...

What’s in Spiritual Fashion for 2011?

My friends, for anyone committed to spiritual growth, 2011 is likely to be a hot year for dramatic changes in the spiritual fashion scene, because this is the pre-cursor to 2012. No, I do not believe we will be wiped off the face of the planet 2012. I do believe that...