Transcending Doubt with Truth

Isn’t it amazing how your doubt can seem bigger and more real than your desire?I have been fascinated by my ability over the years to put more credibility in my fear than in my hopes and dreams. It has been so easy to see my shortcomings and far more challenging...

Transcending Doubt

A dear friend and mentor once explained to me every time you doubt yourself and linger in that doubt, you set yourself back several steps. “Imagine,” she said, “you are playing a baseball game. You are making great progress as you stand on third...

When the Wounded Places Inside You Need Love

Judith Duerk, a very powerful facilitator of women’s circles once described our wounded selves like sieves. She suggested that over time the vessel we are becomes punched full of holes, a metaphor for wounds. Then, as we receive love, we are too wounded, too...

How Do You Know When the Advice is Right?

by Reverend Misa Knowing when the advice we are receiving is the right advice can be very challenging. I find I have two reactions. Often my first reaction is absolute rebellion. All my reasons and excuses come to the forefront of my mind. That is a great indicator...