The Mystical Power of the Sacred Fire

We couldn’t light the fire. We had created the sacred circle for SpiritQuest, but the land was parched and there was fire ban in place. For eleven years we have maintained a sacred fire for 24 hours a day at Quest and this was the first year we weren’t...

Unexpected Blessing

One of the great delights of SpiritQuest is the unexpected blessing that may come from one or more of the animals in attendance. And yes, I do mean “in attendance.” They are as much a part of the ceremonial week as we human participants.At this...

Cherokee and the Sacred Fire

As SpiritQuest draws near, I thought some of you might appreciate knowing more about the sacred fire and how it has come to be such an important part of the lives of those who attend SpiritQuest. Whether you will be joining us for Quest or not, the sacred fire calls...

Attracting Your Family

Recently, we have been creating our Volunteer page for the New Dream Foundation’s new web presence. When I made a list of all our wonderful volunteers and reflected on what they had done for the benefit of the New Dream Family, I just had to cry a little—in...

Orphaned Children Who Head Households

Most orphans who become head of households lost their parents to genocide or HIV/AIDS. They watched their parents suffer and then in many cases buried them. The oldest (oldest being under the age of 18) of the children are left to care for the younger ones—often with...