How Do You Avoid Missing the Obvious?

Have you ever had that feeling that what you have been looking for is staring right at you, but you just don’t recognize it? I think a lot of us, if not most of us, have had this experience.Whenever I’m in a quandary, feeling as though I’ve prayed for something, but...

The Space Between the Beats

I’ve been listening to many of us describe our energy lately as “inward.” As a result of this spiritual inward calling, some of us may be feeling a little off-balance since we live in a world that honors outward expression and staying busy. It can be challenging to...
Receiving the Unseen Gifts

Receiving the Unseen Gifts

I’ve taken to saying this prayer almost daily now, “Thank you Spirit for the blessings I have received this day—both seen and unseen.” I started offering this prayer of gratitude when I got a peek at some gifts I had received that I didn’t know about until later. I...

What Makes a Good Psychic Reading?

There are as many kinds of psychic readings as there are readers. What makes a good reading that is helpful to you will of course depend upon what information you are looking for and the style of delivery that works for you.That said, after years of giving and having...


Some of you know now, that my sister-in-law passed away last week. She was a very quiet woman, and also someone who had a profound sensitivity to others. We will miss her kindness and that twinkle in her eye that let you know she knew exactly what was going on,...