What’s in Spiritual Fashion for 2011?

My friends, for anyone committed to spiritual growth, 2011 is likely to be a hot year for dramatic changes in the spiritual fashion scene, because this is the pre-cursor to 2012. No, I do not believe we will be wiped off the face of the planet 2012. I do believe that...

World Religions Day

In honor of World Religions Day, January 2nd.     Here at New Dream, we started a new practice in our weekly newsletters. We acknowledge some of the people celebrating high sacred holidays in various spiritual traditions. We do this because we believe all paths...

Why Gratitude Is a Perfect Prayer

Perhaps the most powerful prayer you will ever pray is one of gratitude. If the only prayer you say in your life is “thank you,” that would suffice. —Meister Eckhart There is a powerful truth in Meister Eckhart’s words. When you are grateful, you feel full. In...

Unwrap Yourself in Love

Every now and then, I catch myself comparing what I have or have not accomplished in relationship to what someone else has done. I become aware of what makes other people special, while missing what makes me uniquely wonderful. I believe these moments provide a...