Celebrating Volunteers On Universal Volunteer Day
This December, many of us are celebrating volunteers. Volunteers are those very special people that create time in their lives to support someone, an organization or a cause that they believe in. I’ve been a volunteer since I was a teenager and I still am. I absolutely believe that because of volunteers many people in need and Mother Earth get necessary help that would otherwise be left undone. You can find a special prayer of thanks for volunteering at: http://www.newdreamfoundation.com/forums/index.php?topic=1591.0
I discovered years ago that volunteering was extremely rewarding. Most recipients of my volunteerism over the years seemed to really understand that I was giving from my heart, and that I was giving from my most precious gifts—time and talent. It felt great to be appreciated. Plus, I typically learned new skills that I later used for earning income. I made new friends, developed expertise I could put in a resume, and felt great about myself, knowing I was making a tangible difference in the world. I realized my life was blessed by many volunteers, and volunteering in return was a way that I could give back for what I had been given, strengthening the circle of caring and compassion.
In the process of volunteering, I learned that before I complained about something, I’d better first consider what I was going to do about it. Was I willing to volunteer my time in changing what troubled me? If I didn’t have time to volunteer, was I willing to make a financial contribution toward the change I wanted to see? Volunteering taught me to do more than tell other people what I thought they should do to make life better. It taught me to personally be accountable for making the world a great place to live.
Some years ago, I managed a 100-person volunteer program for a non-profit organization. I loved working with volunteers. Because I understood how valuable volunteering was for the organization and how important it is to enjoy your volunteer work, I interviewed volunteers in the same way I interviewed staff for hire. I interviewed potential volunteers about their passions, interests, availability and needs. Then I created volunteer opportunities that matched their talents, aspirations and time availability. In that way, we were both assured they would enjoy their volunteer contributions as much as the non-profit enjoyed their assistance. You can get an idea about how we do this now at New Dream Foundation: http://www.newdreamfoundation.com/volunteering.htm
Every person that asks to volunteer New Dream Foundation is personally interviewed. We discover what you love to do and what skills you would like to develop in furthering your career or personal development. Then we tailor-make a position for you. You can see some of our volunteers and their specially created positions at: http://www.newdreamfoundation.com/community.htm. And if you would like to pay a compliment to our team members, please leave your comment at the end of this article. I’m sure they would be thrilled to know that you appreciate their efforts in providing you with meaningful experiences in your exploration of the Sacred Feminine.
NDF runs completely on volunteer efforts. That’s right. No one gets paid here. It is true that when someone purchases a product or service through NDF, one or more of our volunteers typically get a little bit of compensation. But no one makes a living through any NDF offering. Everything from the web-site to the tele-ceremonies, radio programs and the articles you read are being created and supported by volunteers. The voice of the Sacred Feminine in the world receives support because men and women share their time freely in support of their profound belief in the importance of the Sacred Feminine being recognized and honored for planetary balance.
If you have been thinking about sharing some of your talents with New Dream, we would love the opportunity to get to know you better. Just visit us at our Volunteering Page on our website and follow the steps. One of our volunteers will e-mail you to set up a phone call for a chat. It all begins with getting to know you better.
If you are sharing your volunteer time for something else that you believe in, let us say, “Thank you for making a difference in the world.” We’d like to offer you a little gift as our way of saying thanks for sharing so freely from yourself. Please join me, Reverend Misa, and some of the NDF team on Sunday, December 5 at 5:45 pm Pacific time, for a special tele-meditation and blessing. The number to call is:
Conference dial-in number: (951) 262-4343 Participant access code: 864981
Holding you in my heart with gratitude for all you give to the world,
Reverend Misa