Fear of the Sacred Masculine

Fear of the Sacred Masculine

It was many years before I was able to acknowledge that there was a Sacred Feminine aspect of the Divine. I had been raised with the belief that God was masculine. Notions of a feminine aspect were pagan and ungodly. In fact, acknowledging a feminine aspect of God was...

Rebirth of the Self

Step Three of the Creation Meditation The true rebirth of the soul is more than a mental desire. If you have ever felt truly reborn, you know that the experience is a whole new perspective of self from the inside out. Your entire being—soul and body—emerge in nothing...

The Beginning of the Age of Truth

Last week I talked about the end of the age of secrets and how many of our personal and institutional secrets have led to a pervasive belief that “the end justifies the means.” This premise has become the rationale for atrocities against humanity and justification for...

The End of the Age of Secrets

Secrets have their place. After all, a surprise birthday party is not surprise if the secret gets out. One of the joys in receiving a gift is in not knowing exactly what is inside the box. Bedroom secrets between lovers create a special bond between them. With the...

Holding Us In Love

Last weekend several women elders gathered at my home and virtually, via the telephone, to be in meditation for three full days in response to the many needs of humanity and our planet. These beautiful elders receive no payment, accolades or acknowledgment for their...