Access Your Intuition

Intuition is easier to trust if the insights com from a quiet mind. If your mind is full of chatter, it is difficult to tell which messages are thoughts floating through for consideration and which of those thoughts might actually be from your intuition. Busy minds...

The Sacred Feminine and Women’s Emergence

International Women’s Day—March 8 Can you see it? It’s already happening. We call it by many names: emotional intelligence, intuitive leadership, emotional IQ, creative expression, intuitive wisdom, and social intelligence. They are all great descriptors for what some...

Climate Control—The Mind and Weather

These days we talk about how our thoughts affect everything from prosperity to losing weight, but have you thought about how your thoughts affect the weather? I know some of us consider weather control to be the purview of the Divine or shamans, but I’m convinced we...

Why People Quest

When my elder told me I would need to do four to seven quests during the time I was learning how to offer ceremonies within the Cherokee tradition, I was a little scared, a little excited, and very ready to take the next steps in my awakening. Somehow I knew questing...