Waste’s Affect on Prosperity

Lessons from SpiritQuest and the Women’s Retreat
 Before you throw out the food left in the serving bowl or the refillable pen that has run out of ink, the pair of jeans that no longer fit, or that old piece of furniture that no longer works in your home, you might...

The Challenge of Creating Peace

My husband and I just left Budapest, a city of people, and land, that were deeply impacted by World War II. Now we are in Caen, France, a city in Normandy that is very close to where the Americans landed to turn the tide of World War II, bringing the war in Europe to...

Mastery in the Sacred Feminine

Jeffrey and I spent today at the Louvre, and in the presence of so much masterful art, it is easy to feel humbled very quickly. In an age when we expect things to happen quickly, one can forget that true mastery comes with great dedication and long-term commitment....