by Reverend Misa Hopkins Ah Mystery of life As I awaken to this time of great unfolding This unveiling of myself May I see the beauty you have always seen in me May I know the wonder of you in everything I see Let fear become my chance to transcend my self-perceived...
Create a private, quiet moment for yourself. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Breathe gently into yourself. Listen to and feel the quiet spaces between your breathing. Sink into the silence and the stillness. Now allow yourself to hear the sounds around you....
Most of us want to make a difference. And most of us really want to make that difference by fulfilling our life purpose…if we just knew how to identify it. In my 30 years of spiritual teaching, counseling, and offering vision quests and women’s retreats, I’ve...
by Reverend Misa Last week explored the concept of integrity and a lovely little bird sang in my ear that it would be good to explore the concept of honor next. So, what is honor? If you look up the words honor and integrity in a thesaurus, they are synonyms of each...
We had just lit the Sacred Fire at Vision Quest a few hours earlier and it was pouring down rain. It was raining so hard, anyone tending the fire was drenched to the bone in a matter of minutes. It was a cold, unforgiving rain that stood to create as much sneezing and...
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