The Gift of The Holding

The Gift of The Holding

Lost Wisdom in the Sacred Feminine Revealed in an Ancient Guided Meditation We discovered there is something in Sacred Feminine wisdom that helps us release damaging perceptions and behaviors, and become naturally inspired to live our true potential. In this video,...

Lead Me to My Purpose

by Reverend Misa Great Mystery, Lead me to my purpose. I take myself to the center of a great river, where I lay in the water and allow myself to be carried downstream. Here in the stream, I do not effort any more. I let the current of my own purpose carry me. I do...

Freedom From the Fear of What We Want

by Reverend Misa What is this fear we experience as we grow closer to what we most want?  Is it unworthiness we feel?  Are we afraid we won’t be able to sustain happiness and joy once we embrace it?  Are we concerned it is too good to be true, and therefore, dismiss...

Om Mani Padme Om

by Reverend Misa This beautiful, traditional Hindu chant is wonderfully uplifting. Om mani padme om Translation:  Jewel of a Lotus Flower There is a jewel of a lotus flower unfolding deep within my soul. To be the jewel of a lotus flower unfolding is the highest goal....
Do It Anyway

Do It Anyway

  -this version is credited to Mother Teresa People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered.  Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.  Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some...