I’m probably one of the most critical people I know. I find I must keep constant vigilance on my tendency to be critical of myself and others. The best way I have found to reverse this energy is by first being conscious of it and second–and this is the fun part–I now look for opportunities to celebrate myself and others.
When someone else is successful, I have learned to acknowledge my jealousy and then celebrate their success. The minute I switch the energy to celebration I feel good and my willingness to keep going toward my own success is renewed in seeing the wonderful reality someone else has created.
I make sure I honor myself enough to attract people who honor me. I set appropriate fees for my own work, so I have no need to resent others, while I look for skilled people whose fees I can afford without criticizing those I can’t afford yet.
Celebrating the successes of others has gotten much easier. And now, with some good advice from a dear friend and coach, I’m focusing on celebrating my own successes, especially the little ones I used to ignore.
I share this personal story with you in hope that you too see the value in looking deeper at the blocks we create to our own success………and will create more time to celebrate all of your wonderful successes!
Next: The little successes that count big time