dandelion-333093_640by Reverend Misa

Great Mystery,

Today I surrender; I give up.

I give up my need to:

be in control of everything,
understand how things will happen,man-1156543_640
know what the outcome will actually be,

It seems there is always a greater plan and in my figuring things out, I miss the point. I’m tired of running parallel to the greater path, wondering why life isn’t as easy or as wonderful as I think it ought to be. I give up.

You whisper callings in my ear. I get so excited. I’m ready and willing to go. Then obstacles get in my way and I end up dreaming about possibilities rather than living them. I give up.

woman-558378_640I surrender to:

hearing my calling
falling in love with the desires from my higher self
trusting there is always a way that will become known
in its right time, in its right way.

I am willing to allow a greater plan to unfold and to keep my attention firmly fixed on my calling, regardless of the obstacles that may be in my path. I surrender.

I surrender to:

ease and joy in experiencing a greater reality than I can imagine
right effort that brings my soul-felt longings into fruition
and the right people and right action unfolding in my life every minute child-544085_640of every day.

I surrender to trust beyond words, where my soul simply knows all is already taken care of.

I give up; I surrender to you Great Mystery as I allow your mystery to unfold within me.