When do we truly need a little distraction?I can be one of the most serious people I know. There are times when my tendency to be serious is quite valuable. When something is important to me and I’m being fully present with someone or a situation, I can pay undivided,...
by Reverend Misa Great Mystery Who Lives Within All of Creation, Some days I feel doubt creeping in. My fear and my anxiety try to take the place of my serene trust in your Divine flow and hope to be the enlightened being I know I truly am. In those moments I turn to...
What does distraction teach us about what we need to be happy?I decided recently that I have probably earned a PhD in the art of becoming distracted. I’ll bet you know exactly what I mean. I have something I want to get accomplished that just might make a significant...
Did you know that inside the chrysalis a caterpillar’s body becomes completely liquid before emerging as the butterfly?Just the other day a friend told me he had been laid-off from his job. Someone I was counseling and yet another friend told me recently their...
Your life will change if with all your heart you say these words each day. “Teach me, dear God, all that you know. —St. Teresa of Avila, Mystic who was known to levitate in ecstasyMy mother and father named me after a mystic saint. Then, I chose another mystic to be...
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