Sedona Sweat Lodge

My phone has been ringing and e-mails coming in with people’s reactions to the loss of lives and physical injuries people experienced at the Sweat Lodge facilitated by James Arthur Ray during a Spiritual Warrior Retreat at a resort outside of Sedona, Arizona. I used...

Remembering The Forgotten

This meditation was profoundly deep, yet my mind was focused. I was asking how I could best serve the people I am here to support. In reality, I discovered I had known all along. In truth, I needed confirmation.The sacred pulse was strong and familiar. It did not have...

Sweet Endeavors

The energy was practically yanking me into seclusion. “But I have so much to do!” I kept thinking, and I did.I’m the Spiritual Director of a foundation, run my own business providing healing assistance and consult with a couple of small business owners. My plate is...

The Call of the Dove

Recently, I have been remembering a mystical experience I had some years ago. I’ve come to believe that when such experiences are being remembered, it means some aspect of the engagement is significant now.I was staying with my sister-friend in Sedona, and while I was...