What’s in Spiritual Fashion for 2010?

It is time for my annual report on what’s in spiritual fashion for the coming year. Each new year, we have an opportunity to clear out our spiritual closets and dress for better success in fulfilling our purpose and living in harmony. The numerology for this year is a...

Celebrating Our Humanity

Over the holidays, my sweet husband took me on vacation to a resort in Jamaica. The timing was perfect as I had been called to do some meditative energy work on Christmas day, and there I was surrounded by the enduring ebb of the ocean, as I settled into a...

What We Can Be

A Holiday Letter from Reverend Misa This is a holiday story I seldom tell, but  it seems like the right time for sharing. I was living in Sedona, and staying with friends. It was just a few weeks before Christmas. I’d had a rather average day and went to bed at my...

Honoring The Dark

Honoring the dark might seem a little strange if you equate the dark with bad and evil. Yet during this winter solstice, when we experience the longest days of darkness, it seems appropriate to recognize the significance of the dark in the same way we honored the...

Honoring The Light

In respect for New Dream Foundation philosophy, I write my Soul Purpose articles with the intent of exploring concepts that are common within many religious practices and spiritual beliefs. I look for universal concepts to write about.This article will be coming out...