Spiritual Freedom

Spiritual Freedom

The first time I heard a spiritual teacher discussing true freedom, something about what she said, or better yet—emanated from her being—rang true for me, and it has taken many years for the concept of spiritual freedom to sink into my bones. At the time I was...

What Are You Questing For In Your Life?

This week, some of us have been at SpiritQuest in Reno, participating in an annual spiritual gathering where we honor traditional Native ceremonies for the earth, our spiritual community and ourselves. One of us just finished a quest, alone on the Mother Earth for...

In the Arms of Your Father

In the age of single mothers raising their children, I have observed that the true role of fathers is sometimes misunderstood and needs to be honored if our children are to experience the best of what fathering and mothering has to give them. While it is true that a...

What Makes You Remarkable? Do You Know?

A fictitious story based on a rather natural tendency.I was guiding someone in creating a personal medicine wheel, a task I often do with individuals receiving spiritual counseling support from me. After creating a wheel and inviting her to create four...