Each year that I facilitate our annual SpiritQuest Ceremonies, a group of us commit to living with Mother Earth rather than on her and that simple shift in perception is the difference between being human and trying to figure out what it means to be human. In an age...
By Reverend Misa Hopkins Find a quiet space. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Breathe gently into yourself until your mind and body quiet down. Become aware of your heart and breathe. Just breathe until your mind and body become still and your heart and mind...
Have you ever thought to yourself that because you have things figured out well enough in your life, you can just coast for a bit? I know I have.And while the “I have things figured out” voice is urging you on, a little voice in the back of your mind is warning you...
Turning Blame and Family Wounds Into Emotional Healing Someone once posed a couple of intriguing questions to me that got me to look at my entire life in a whole new way. The question was, “What if you had some say, before you got to earth, about who your family...
Tawakkul Karman Tawakkul Karman, a 32-year-old mother of three children, has been called by some the “mother of the revolution” in Yemen, demanding the end of President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s dictatorial regime. She has been actively participating in sit-ins, protesting...
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