I’m delighted to share with you that my new book, Sacred Feminine Awakening: The Emergence of
Compassion became a best-seller on Wednesday.Thank you for your prayers, purchases and love! If you bought the book, I know you are going to discover some insights that help you experience the depths of your own compassion and its transformative power in your life.If you have not picked up your copy yet, you can still do so. While it is available in Kindle format only on Amazon at the moment, many readers have Apps that will allow you to read a Kindle book.Plus, after you purchase go back to the web page and register for your gifts. Along with the free gifts, you’ll receive a PDF version that you can read. So there is something for everyone!
Compassion became a best-seller on Wednesday.Thank you for your prayers, purchases and love! If you bought the book, I know you are going to discover some insights that help you experience the depths of your own compassion and its transformative power in your life.If you have not picked up your copy yet, you can still do so. While it is available in Kindle format only on Amazon at the moment, many readers have Apps that will allow you to read a Kindle book.Plus, after you purchase go back to the web page and register for your gifts. Along with the free gifts, you’ll receive a PDF version that you can read. So there is something for everyone!
The power of compassion may be one of the most underestimated energies in the history of humanity. It is the energy that heals, mends, and renews us. It is, shall we say, the fountain of youth—reviving our spirits and reminding us of our true potential!
Join me in discovering how to tap into your compassion at will and discover its life-giving power, with this timely book.
Holding you in my heart and songs,