Living With Rather than On Mother Earth

Earth Day is coming up and personally I think it should be a national holiday! After all, this planet is the mother of our earthly bodies and it seems to me she deserves a day in which we do not work and focus our attention on her. While it is not a holiday, it is a...

Seasons of Manifestation

The first week we moved into our home, we spent long, enjoyable minutes throughout our days just watching the neighborhood deer wander through our wooded yard. They were, and still are, a constant source of wonder and delight to us. On our morning walks, we quickly...

Manifestation and Bunnies

Ok. This article may not be what you think it is! We aren’t going to explore bunny rabbits and cycles of procreation, but we are going to talk about bunnies and creation. Hey, it’s spring! Actually, a truly wonderful experience happened for me this...

Finding Mother in Mother Earth

Have you found the love of mother in Mother Earth? Many years ago, my mother left this earth after a long struggle with cancer. In truth, it was a relief to know she was no longer in pain. She deserved her freedom. We were not very close while she was alive. Oh, we...