The energy was practically yanking me into seclusion. “But I have so much to do!” I kept thinking, and I did.
I’m the Spiritual Director of a foundation, run my own business providing healing assistance and consult with a couple of small business owners. My plate is usually overflowing. When was I supposed to find time to take a retreat?
But the pull was insistent. Finally, I surrendered. I notified the volunteers that so generously support me in all of my work, set up out of the office messages, and secluded myself in our guest room for 3 days and nights.
The energy was pulling so hard, I didn’t even feel like I had time to create a special retreat event. I was just plain going inside, and going right then.
My desire and intention was simple. First, I wanted greater clarity about my purpose and how to fulfill it. Second, I wanted to go more deeply into my infinite heart. You know, expanding through breath and heart beyond the limits of my current capacity to love—using a similar process that meditation New Dream members recently received.
Within seconds of sitting down before the Mother Bowl filled with water, and beginning my meditation, my mind was quiet and my heart bursting. The days of meditation were rich and sweet as I breathed lovingly into my infinite capacity to love.
Throughout the days, I cried and laughed. My heart expanded and clarity came. I found great focus for my work and you will see this reflected in changes at New Dream during this coming year. (I don’t want to tell you now because it might spoil the fun of New Dream’s re-dedication and unveiling of new ways to support you.)
Once again, I fell in love with my calling and I fell in love with you. When I asked to see who I was to serve and support—you were there. And you are so BEAUTIFUL!
You inspired me to hold in love more than I have ever held before. In that realization, my plate-full of activities is more than a flurry of to-do’s with a few moments of awakened passion. Each moment richer. Oh, I’m still challenged by everything I have committed to do; however, after my retreat, each one of them feels like a sweet endeavor.
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