Page Log – Please Keep Current!

This is a log of all pages on this site. Please keep it current so that any admin knows what’s what! 🙂

  • Blog (/blog/) > Misa’s SF blog)
  • Book (/book/) > latest book promotion, currently SFA Vol. 1
  • Empowerment Call Signup (/empowerment-call-signup/) > signup page w/ donation for Misa’s empowerment call
  • Empowerment Call Thank You (/empowerment-call-thankyou/) > thank you page for donation w/ call info
  • Gifts (/gifts/) > thank you page with gifts for completing post-purchase book registration form
  • Keepers Apprenticeship (/keepers-apprenticeship/) > application for apprenticeship, CTA leads to Survey Monkey form (periodic, not public)
  • Page Log – Please Keep Current! (/page-log) > current log of all pages on site
  • The Holding 12/12/14 (/the-holding-121214) > opt-in for the special Holding recording for 12/12/14 global meditation re slavery and abuse
  • The Holding 12/12/14 Thank you (/the-holding-121214)-thankyou > thank you delivery page for 12/12/14 global meditation re slavery and abuse (media is on Amazon S3)
  • Welcome (/) : home page (home page can be set to a different URL via Appearance > Customize)
  • Welcome Gifts (/welcome-gifts/) : thank you delivery page for general opt-in