Second in our Three-Part Focus on Prosperity Series

NDF Treasurer Judy Cole delivering New Dream check to Canton Rotary

I truly appreciated Andrea’s Article last week on Giving, Receiving, and the Law of Attraction. It is so good for me to be reminded from time to time that if there is something I want to receive in the world, I can choose to set the energy in motion by giving, freely and lovingly, and without attachments, what I most want to receive.

As I was contemplating what I wanted to write about in our three-part prosperity series, I decided to share with you the ways in which New Dream has been able to give money to other charities. Like most non-profits, we ask people to donate, so that we can continue providing service that is meaningful. Since we don’t meet needs that most granting agency consider significant, we rely on class registrations and private donations.

So we are used to asking, but we also know that it is important to give what you want to receive, so our trustees and officers do their best to contribute to NDF monetarily as well as with time and energy. And because of contributions we have received, we are all delighted that we have twice been able to make financial contributions to other non-profits, further contributing to the difference being made in the world.

Planting Trees—Off-setting Our Carbon Footprint

Our Mother suffers and so do we with the vast numbers of trees that are stripped from our forests. Trees play a vital role in the water cycle of the planet, our ability to breathe and they reduce sound pollution. Although New Dream has only two events per year, one of our Spirit Council members reminded us that we are leaving behind a carbon footprint every time someone drives or flies to an event. He wisely suggested we make a contribution that would offset any damage we have done.

We elected to give to an organization that plants trees. A percentage of every registration fee for SpiritQuest is now set aside for a donation to the Adopt a Village Program. As President, we invited Reverend Ariann to choose the location last year, and prior to the earthquake, she intuitively chose Haiti. That means that once the devastation was over, our dollars went to help reforest the island. We were so excited when we realized how her guidance had led us to the perfect choice and it felt great to know we had made a tangible difference!

Providing Pure Drinking Water in El Salvador

Every month at our ceremonies, we bless the water of this planet. If humanity did one thing that would make the most significant difference for this planet, we would bless the water with our love, because water exists in all life on our beautiful Mother Earth. When we bless the water, we bless the Mother that sustains us and every living creature.

Take a prayer of blessing, mix it with a bunch of love, and put your prayer into action, and you have loving expression. That’s what we did this year by making a contribution to the Canton, Michigan’s Rotary Club’s water project in El Salvador.

We were truly pleased to make a contribution to a project that will provide a solar powered ultra-violet purification system, purifying water for two villages, El Roble and Palo Grande, and serving just under 1,000 people. Complete with an education program, villagers will be trained in proper hygiene, ensuring that the benefits of pure water make a significant health difference in their lives. Discover more about this wonderful project at:

New Dream was able to make this contribution through a generous grant from the Lawrence Foundation, and we are grateful to have been both the recipients and donors.

Spending Our Dollars or “Votes” Wisely

An economics professor once said, “Your dollars are your votes. Spend them wisely.”

I think about that when I receive a request for money. “Do I believe in this?” I ask myself. “Do I derive benefit or does someone I care about, and is this something I want to vote for with my dollars?”

New Dream does not have a fat bank account by any stretch of imagination. But it made me proud, when our SpiritQuest Council and New Dream officers voted with our dollars, deciding to financially support these two wonderful projects. These were acts of giving freely. We gave without expectation of receiving anything in return—simply for the joy of giving to what we believe in—for the opportunity to walk our talk, because Prayers+Action=Love.

And the giving goes on! A special gift for you! Make the largest donation to New Dream between now and April 3rd and receive a free copy of the new movie “Awaken Your Riches”, with Rev. Michael Beckwith, T. Harv Eker, Mark Victor Hansen, Martin Dunkerton and co-star and producer Dr. Tianna Conte. After watching the movie you will also, receive one free 30 minute private session with Dr. Tianna, where together you will explore the parts of the movie that spoke to you and discover how to apply the principle to your life.